Monday, August 13, 2012

Stepping it up!

Ok so  today has been a very stressful and trying day. So tomorrow I  m stepping up my game. I'm going to kick my diet in overdrive and walking at least 1 mile per day (although I'm going to try to do 2) I'm hoping I will see more results and get off of this plateau I'm stick on. Wish me luck.

On a lighter note there is a great deal on herbal essence and Aussie shampoo that you can price match at Walmart. They are $2 each at walgreens (I think) and there is a $3/2 coupon, making the final price $.50 per bottle!! Happy shopping! :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

It's been a while!!

Well it has definitely been while. Here is what's going on...I am now down to 245! That's right I have lost 31 pounds and I feel so much better I have been exercising andwatching what I eat. I am very excited to say I definitely plan to keep this up and get down to my goal weight!  I just wanted to post an update and I will be posting more often since I now have my account back! Thanks to everyone for the support!