Tuesday, January 24, 2012


  Hello and welcome to Fat Girl Skinny! I am very glad to have you! This is my very first blog and I hope that I will have lots of followers. Lets just start with what I am doing here. This will be a type of journal. I will be discussing my weight (the good and the bad), my couponing adventures, and my life. I am looking forward to being able to share all of these things with everyone. I will have pictures, information, and tips up as soon as I can.

  First things first though, I am Rachel! I am married, a mother of 2, a nursing student, and a couponer. I have struggled with my weight all of my life and have tried all different kinds of things to lose weight. I am now at my heaviest, coming in at a whopping 276 pounds. That's right, I am putting my weight out there and owning it. Afterall, to control something you have to own it. My goal is to get down to 176 pounds in a year or less. I know that is a lot but all things are possible if you put your mind to it.

  Other than my weight struggles I will be talking about me and my husband's journey to getting debt free and also about couponing. Both of those pretty much go hand in hand since couponing frees up some money. I will post really good deals or coupons that I think are of special interest. I will also refer to some of my favorite websites and post deals that I have scored through my own couponing adventures.

  Well I hope you enjoy my blog and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me and don't forget to subscribe so you do not miss anything going on.

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