Monday, June 16, 2014

Kicking it in

    Ok so I did my first workout today and Shaun T kicked my ass! My weight is still hanging right at 271. I have been slacking and half assed eating healthy and half not so healthy. I'm getting in the swing though. I'm ready to lose weight and be healthy. My son said mom you used to be so skinny and I told him bubba I'm working on it again! Now mind you I was never skinny per say lol, but smaller!
    I'm going to be posting a few things about couponing as I get back into it as well. I am ready to get back to me. I am cutting things out, whether it be junk in my house, calories, weight, spending, etc I am just cutting back with it all. I will keep you guys updated!

Be sure and check out the recipes that I've added! Goodnight guys!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Time to Get Real

    Hey guys! I am just tired today. I have been for the last couple days and it sucks. For anyone who knows me, I suffer from depression. Depression and weight loss just do not go together. Especially when you like to eat your feelings like I do! It is a constant battle. Being out of work with an injury just makes it worse. I feel like I am confined to the 4 walls of this house constantly. When I start getting in these low moods it is bad for me, my kids and my man, not to mention the size of my ass haha. Anywho, I'm making a plan!
    I'm planning meals and making time to lay out in the sun (since I can't afford the tanning bed right now and light therapy is good for depression) and going to kick my own butt working out in any way that my back will let me! I'm tired of being tired! I'm also tired of being fat! So I'm going to do this and hopefully by summers end you will be seeing a lot less of me.
    Oh I started an instagram account for anyone who wants to follow @fatgirlskinnynow and don't forget to follow me on Facebook @fatgirlskinny. I hope you all are enjoying your week! Oh oh and don't forget to check out the exercise logs I made for you guys! <3

Ps- scale is still standing at 271! Sorry term goal is 10 lbs! I can do this! And so can any one of you!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

A Little Behind!

    Hey guys! Sorry its been a couple days. I have been feeling under the weather and fell off the wagon for a day. I am feeling a little better today and decided to post my logs on here. They are very useful, especially if you are like me and want to keep up with everything you are doing. If you look at the top of my page there is a tab that say logs. Once you click it there is a link within that will open the logs. I used dropbox as it is easier for most that way!
    I am hanging in there at 271, a 1 pound gain but still right about where I was. I am going to get serious with this. I have thought about surgery and I just can not come to terms with it. First I have never had surgery and do not want to, second why would I want to eat puree food for a month or 2, third I am perfectly capable of doing this on my own. I just need to get my wide ass up off this couch and do it. I am lazy and I know it. I need to get motivated and with the help of my followers and supporters and my haters, I am ready! This fat ass will be no more. I am tired of always being tired!
    I went to several yard sales yesterday and you know what it was hot and I was tired but I was on a mission to find good, name brand clothes for the kids and I will say I hit the jackpot on that. I got about $200 worth of clothes for $15. Not too bad!!! I even found my man a nice Abercrombie shirt. All of the clothes look new (some still had tags), with no wear showing. I will say I think I did pretty good. I also saw a lot of women's clothes. Name brand cute clothes calling my name, but this fat belly, ass and hips just jiggled and laughed and said we ain't fitting in that! If I had been smaller I could have racked up for myself as well. There were a lot of nice clothes and it just irritates me that I let myself get to the point that I can not buy them and know with confidence I will fit them! Either way, I saved money and realized I need to lose weight!
    I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday! I know we are. I hope you guys will leave feedback on the logs I made, it would really help.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Dinner Last Night

Dinner last night- black bean chicken chili. Sodium was high but overall healthy!


2 large cans black beans
2 packets McCormick white chicken chili seasoning
6 ounces chicken breast (boiled)
1-2 cups water

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Today has been blah, but....

    Today has been pretty blah, just feeling tired and a lot of pain in my back today, but on a good not I am at 270 lbs!!!! That is a weight loss of 6 pounds since getting back on the wagon! I was excited with my weigh in the morning! I am really enjoying a facebook group I joined called Waist Management. They are all very encouraging and I think they will be a very important in my journey!
    Overall today I have done pretty well. Although I need to play catch up on myfitnesspal this evening! I wanted white chicken chili (one of my favorites) tonight, but I did not have any white beans, so I got a little creative and used black beans instead. That was the only thing I changed! And I have to say that it was better that way, I guess this will be a new favorite of mine! Add a tablespoon of fat free sour cream on top and you have an awesome filling dinner. If anyone needs the recipe, just let me know!
    Sorry about the late post, but we have storms all in the area and anyone who knows me knows that I am absolutely terrified (almost like a phobia) of tornadoes!!!! I was so nervous! Anywho, I hope you all have a great night and stay safe out there!!

~Don't forget to check out my facebook page FatGirlSkinny