Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Today has been blah, but....

    Today has been pretty blah, just feeling tired and a lot of pain in my back today, but on a good not I am at 270 lbs!!!! That is a weight loss of 6 pounds since getting back on the wagon! I was excited with my weigh in the morning! I am really enjoying a facebook group I joined called Waist Management. They are all very encouraging and I think they will be a very important in my journey!
    Overall today I have done pretty well. Although I need to play catch up on myfitnesspal this evening! I wanted white chicken chili (one of my favorites) tonight, but I did not have any white beans, so I got a little creative and used black beans instead. That was the only thing I changed! And I have to say that it was better that way, I guess this will be a new favorite of mine! Add a tablespoon of fat free sour cream on top and you have an awesome filling dinner. If anyone needs the recipe, just let me know!
    Sorry about the late post, but we have storms all in the area and anyone who knows me knows that I am absolutely terrified (almost like a phobia) of tornadoes!!!! I was so nervous! Anywho, I hope you all have a great night and stay safe out there!!

~Don't forget to check out my facebook page FatGirlSkinny

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